Åland Islands

You're in Åland Islands, an autonomous region of Finland in Europe. Known for its scenic archipelago and maritime history.


Table of Contents


Language 🌍

Swedish, Finnish

Currency 💵

Euro (EUR) Cash and card payments are widely accepted.

Capital 🏛️

The capital is Mariehamn. The islands are known for their beautiful coastline and rich maritime heritage.

Emergency 🆘

Emergency numbers: 112 - Police, Fire, Ambulance

Culture 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦

Åland culture is influenced by both Swedish and Finnish traditions. Handshake is a common greeting, and punctuality is highly valued.

Translations 📝

Lost in translation? Get here a few words to get started in AX.

Facts 📋

See here some fun facts about Åland Islands.

Autonomous Region

Åland Islands are an autonomous region of Finland with its own flag and stamps.


Åland is known for being demilitarized and maintains a peaceful environment.


Åland has over 6,000 islands and islets, making it a picturesque archipelago.

Maritime History

The islands have a rich maritime history and are home to several historic shipwrecks.

Nature Reserves

Åland Islands are home to several nature reserves, offering diverse flora and fauna.

Public holidays 2024 🎊