
You are in Brazil, a country in the Americas known for its diverse culture and natural beauty.


Table of Contents


Language 🌍

The official language is Portuguese, but many people also speak English and Spanish.

Currency πŸ’΅

The official currency is Brazilian Real (BRL). Credit and debit cards are widely accepted, and ATMs are easily accessible in urban areas.

Capital πŸ›οΈ

The capital of Brazil is BrasΓ­lia. The country is known for its vast Amazon Rainforest, stunning beaches, and diverse geographical landscapes.

Emergency πŸ†˜

In case of emergency, dial 190 for police, 192 for ambulance, and 193 for fire department.

Culture πŸ‘¨β€πŸ‘©β€πŸ‘§β€πŸ‘¦

Brazil is known for its vibrant and lively culture, with music, dance, and festivals playing a big part in everyday life. Greetings are warm and friendly, and it's common to greet people with a kiss on the cheek or a handshake.

Translations πŸ“

Lost in translation? Get here a few words to get started in BR.

Facts πŸ“‹

See here some fun facts about Brazil.


Brazil is home to the largest number of animal and plant species in the world.


The Rio Carnival is one of the biggest and most famous in the world, attracting millions of visitors each year.

Amazon River

The Amazon River in Brazil is the second-longest river in the world, flowing through the Amazon Rainforest.


Brazil is the largest producer of coffee in the world, known for its high-quality beans.


Football (soccer) is the most popular sport in Brazil, and the national team has won the FIFA World Cup a record 5 times.

Public holidays 2024 🎊