Faroe Islands

Welcome to the Faroe Islands in Europe!


Table of Contents


Language 🌍

The official language is Faroese, and many people also speak Danish and English.

Currency 💵

The official currency is the Faroese Króna (DKK). Credit cards are widely accepted, and ATMs are available.

Capital 🏛️

The capital city is Tórshavn, and the Faroe Islands are known for their stunning natural landscapes with mountains, grassy slopes, and coastal cliffs.

Emergency 🆘

In case of emergency, dial 112 for police, ambulance, or fire services.

Culture 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦

Faroe Islands culture is rich in traditional music, dance, and woolen crafts. It's common to greet with a handshake and maintain eye contact. Faroese cuisine features seafood and traditional dishes like ræst kjøt (fermented mutton).

Translations 📝

Lost in translation? Get here a few words to get started in FO.

Facts 📋

See here some fun facts about Faroe Islands.

Sheep Paradise

There are three times as many sheep as people on the islands.

Remote Location

The Faroe Islands are located halfway between Iceland and Norway.

Underwater Tunnels

The islands are connected by a series of underwater tunnels.

Annual Grindadrap

The traditional pilot whale hunt, known as the grindadrap, takes place annually.

Unpredictable Weather

The weather can change quickly, so it's important to be prepared for sudden shifts.

Public holidays 2024 🎊