
Welcome to Gambia, Africa!


Table of Contents


Language 🌍

English, Mandinka, Wolof

Currency πŸ’΅

The official currency is the Gambian Dalasi. Cash is widely used, and credit cards are accepted in major hotels and restaurants.

Capital πŸ›οΈ

The capital of Gambia is Banjul. It is known for its Atlantic coast and Gambia River.

Emergency πŸ†˜

For emergencies, dial 117 for police, 118 for fire, and 116 for medical assistance.

Culture πŸ‘¨β€πŸ‘©β€πŸ‘§β€πŸ‘¦

Gambian culture is diverse and influenced by various ethnic groups. Greetings are important, and handshakes are common. Traditional clothing and music play a significant role in local customs.

Translations πŸ“

Lost in translation? Don't worry; people in Gambia are native English speakers, and you can communicate with everyone.

Facts πŸ“‹

See here some fun facts about Gambia.

Beautiful Beaches

Gambia is known for its stunning beaches and vibrant beach culture.

Birdwatching Haven

Gambia is a paradise for birdwatchers, with a wide variety of bird species.

Smiling Coast of Africa

Gambia is often referred to as the 'Smiling Coast of Africa' due to the warm and welcoming nature of its people.

River Gambia

The Gambia River is the lifeblood of the country and plays a central role in its culture and economy.

Colonial Heritage

Gambia has a rich colonial heritage, evident in its architecture, cuisine, and traditions.

Public holidays 2024 🎊