
You are in Paraguay, a country in South America known for its rich culture and natural beauty.


Table of Contents


Language 🌍

The official languages spoken in Paraguay are Spanish and Guarani.

Currency πŸ’΅

The official currency used in Paraguay is the Paraguayan Guarani (PYG). Major credit and debit cards are widely accepted in most urban areas.

Capital πŸ›οΈ

The capital of Paraguay is Asuncion, and the country features diverse geography including lush forests, savannas, and the Paraguay River.

Emergency πŸ†˜

In case of emergency, dial 911 for police, medical, or fire assistance in Paraguay.

Culture πŸ‘¨β€πŸ‘©β€πŸ‘§β€πŸ‘¦

Paraguay has a vibrant and diverse culture with influences from indigenous traditions and Spanish heritage. Greetings are warm and personal, and taking off your shoes before entering a house is a common practice.

Translations πŸ“

Lost in translation? Get here a few words to get started in PY.

Facts πŸ“‹

See here some fun facts about Paraguay.

Yerba Mate

Paraguay is one of the largest consumers of Yerba Mate, a traditional herbal drink.

TetΓ£ Paraguay

The national festival of Paraguay celebrates the country's folklore, music, and dance.

Landlocked Country

Paraguay is one of the only landlocked countries in South America, with no direct access to the ocean.

Guarani People

The Guarani people, with a rich indigenous culture, have a significant influence on Paraguayan traditions.

Chaco Wilderness

The Gran Chaco, a vast wilderness area, covers much of western Paraguay and is known for its unique wildlife.

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