
You are in Sweden, a country in Europe known for its beautiful landscapes and vibrant cities.


Table of Contents


Language 🌍

Swedish is the official language, but many people also speak English fluently.

Currency πŸ’΅

The official currency is the Swedish Krona (SEK). Credit cards and mobile payment methods are widely accepted.

Capital πŸ›οΈ

The capital of Sweden is Stockholm, known for its archipelago and historic old town.

Emergency πŸ†˜

In case of emergency, dial 112 for police, ambulance, or fire services.

Culture πŸ‘¨β€πŸ‘©β€πŸ‘§β€πŸ‘¦

Swedes greet with a handshake and value punctuality and personal space. Respect for nature is integral to their culture.

Translations πŸ“

Lost in translation? Get here a few words to get started in SE.

Facts πŸ“‹

See here some fun facts about Sweden.

Midnight Sun

In northern Sweden, the sun never sets in summer.

Nobel Prize

The Nobel Prize ceremony is held in Stockholm every year.

Outdoor Lifestyle

Swedes enjoy outdoor activities in all seasons.

Fika Tradition

Fika is a popular Swedish tradition of taking a coffee break with pastries.

Gender Equality

Sweden is known for its commitment to gender equality.

Public holidays 2024 🎊