El Salvador

You are in El Salvador, a Central American country known for its beautiful beaches and rich culture.


Table of Contents


Language 🌍

The official language is Spanish, but you may also hear indigenous languages such as Nahuatl and Lenca.

Currency πŸ’΅

The official currency used is the US Dollar (USD). Credit cards are widely accepted, and ATMs are available in most urban areas.

Capital πŸ›οΈ

San Salvador is the capital city of El Salvador. The country is known for its diverse geography, including mountains, volcanoes, and coastal plains.

Emergency πŸ†˜

In case of emergency, dial 911 for police, medical, or fire assistance.

Culture πŸ‘¨β€πŸ‘©β€πŸ‘§β€πŸ‘¦

El Salvador has a warm and welcoming culture. Greetings are important, and handshakes are common. The people are known for their hospitality and love for traditional music and dance.

Translations πŸ“

Lost in translation? Get here a few words to get started in SV.

Facts πŸ“‹

See here some fun facts about El Salvador.

Beaches and Surfing

El Salvador has stunning Pacific beaches and is a popular surfing destination.


The national dish of El Salvador, pupusas are thick corn tortillas filled with cheese, meat, and beans.

Cultural Heritage

El Salvador has a rich history of Mayan and Spanish influences, reflected in its art, architecture, and traditions.


Coffee production is an important part of El Salvador's economy, and the country is known for its high-quality beans.


El Salvador is home to over 20 volcanoes, offering breathtaking natural landscapes for exploration.

Public holidays 2024 🎊